Intuition Wizard!

  Hi, The last few days, I’ve been thinking about the intuition as a wizard.  The wizard lives inside us and has lots of offer.  I started a dialogue with my intuition this morning interviewing it as if it were a human wizard living inside me that I have full time access to.  It gave…

Words to Describe Intuition. Intuition class 4-23-11 Portland, Oregon

We had 8 people intuition class here this morning in Portland Oregon. These are the amazing words we intuitively used to describe the intuition.  See the list, woven into a meditation.  Very cool. The exercise was to sit and allow words to flow out loud between us, spontaneously to describe our intuitive self.  We randomly…

More Ways to Connect with Intuitive Guidance

Things That Help Me Connect with My Intuition and Guidance. 1.  Alignment:  Rest, sleep, naps, relaxation, slowing down, breathing, meditation, prayer, mindfulness. 2.  Alone Time: hot baths, walking in nature, listening, being calm, being authentic, being grateful. 3.  Willingness: The ability to get out of my own way, and put my stuff aside.  Quieting my…