Develop Powerful Intuition – Starts June 9

Hi Everybody,   Fine Tune Your Inner GPS Develop Powerful Intuition. This is a series of 4 classes on Tuesday evenings June 9 – 30   Tools for Building Strong, Powerful, Innate Intuition.  Beginning  and Intermediate Foundational Tools to use for the rest of your life. This class is fun, educational and insightful! Your intuition will improve or…

Beloveds, I don’t often share other people’s work in my blog yet I feel this is so important. I want to remind ourselves that there is indeed an influx of light on the planet and that we are in a time of Great Awakening. It might not look like this on the planet right now,…

Energy Update 2020

Energy Update 2020 I’ve been intending for a while to write a newsletter about my take on the new energy of 2020. I am well aware that there are major crisis in this world and this can be discouraging and disheartening. However I am also aware that there is a much greater plan in place and it…