Intuition Wizard!

  Hi, The last few days, I’ve been thinking about the intuition as a wizard.  The wizard lives inside us and has lots of offer.  I started a dialogue with my intuition this morning interviewing it as if it were a human wizard living inside me that I have full time access to.  It gave…

Words to Describe Intuition. Intuition class 4-23-11 Portland, Oregon

We had 8 people intuition class here this morning in Portland Oregon. These are the amazing words we intuitively used to describe the intuition.  See the list, woven into a meditation.  Very cool. The exercise was to sit and allow words to flow out loud between us, spontaneously to describe our intuitive self.  We randomly…

What the Children Know

Hi everybody, I recieved an email recently with some wonderful intuitive insights from children. I thought I would post it here. I do not know the mother or family of these children. I would gladly give you credit so if you find this reposted please feel free to let me know who wrote this. Love…