When You Can’t Get An Answer

Hey Everybody, I have noticed a pattern in my intuitive readings and Intuition classes lately that I wanted to share with you. Years ago, I used to struggle when I couldn’t get an answer to an intuitive question. Then I learned to ask spirit if I was blocked.  Then even more importantly I learned to…

Flower Essences

A Message From the Woodpecker

Hi, Have you ever tried really communicating with a wild or domesticated animal. Morgine Jurdan, psychic animal communicator (Communications with Love) spoke to the pileated woodpecker who visited Intuition class yesterday. Here is what he told her for all to hear. “There is a beating in people’s hearts which connects them to all of nature.…

Psychic Development -Universal Law of As Above So Below Enlightenment

Today I am writing about Universal law #10, The Law of As Above so Below, Enlightenment.  Previously I wrote about the following Universal Laws.  You can read more about them by clicking on the link. Universal Law #1 : The Law of Light – Everything comes from light. Universal Law #2: The Law of Attraction, …

Intuitive Psychic Development – Universal Law of Cycles

Today I am commenting on Universal law #9, The Law of Cycles and how it relates to your psychic and intuitive development.  Previously I wrote about the following Universal Laws.  You can read more about them by clicking on their links. Universal Law #1 : The Law of Light – Everything comes from light. Universal…